Message from WJCS'S Principal

 Message from WJCS'S Principal


   A half and a month ago, when I arrived in Cambodia, I am surprised that a lot of Cambodian were speaking English at anytime and in any place.

  That, endlessly potential possibility, was my first impression of Cambodia. Vice-principal of administration of my school speaks English well. 

   In Korea, I have never founded out such a vice-administration officer in Korea High School.

   My school was founded by Chairman, Lee Jeoung Keun from Korea. He has been devoted all his life in education enthusiastically. He has supported

   many students to hope to study in many Korea    Universities through Woo Jeong Scholarship Foundation. How was I grateful to contribute to

   advancing student’s ability and helping student’s future in Cambodia!
    I would like to manage WJCS as follows. Also, I hope you are interested in WJCS(WOO JEONG CAMBODIAN SCHOOL).
    FIRST, in school, students are protagonists, not teachers and principal. Teachers exist as facilitators, not main characters. They are helpers of 

   students in a academic area and their life.
    SECOND, I try to provide all of my school for students. Basically school exists for students. Students love school, also school loves students. I will

   open and prepare every educational equipements to students. If students want to self-study more in school, I will open classrooms and a library 

   without student’s fee.
    THIRD, I will introduce Korean language in regular curriculum of MoYES within Cambodia Educational Law. This educational activity helps many 

   chances to study in many Korea Universities and get a good job. How about attending Korean Language Speaking Contest during the semester that

   I plan!
    FOUR, I will realize Honesty is the best Policy. In everywhere and at anytime, I exemplify my behavior toward all teachers and students. Belief is the

   most basic element in the world to accumulate human relation-ship. Honesty is WJCS’s mental anchor.
    I hope that my management policy plays an important role to develop Cambodia Society. Also, they will be a cornerstone of world’s development.
    I hope that a lot of students share a pleasure with a good educational facility and good teachers of my school.

                                                   WELCOME TO WJCS ! 우정캄보디아학교에 오신 것을 환영합니다 !