High School Program

 4. High School Program



The growth of high school students is the final stage of general knowledge in preparing for the acquisition of vocational skills in University or vocational training schools, or so-called the basic skills development for business, enterprise , company or jobs career in various ministries and institutions.

To develop young people in this youth, the school has the following strategies and arts of education:
  • Provide ongoing counseling and jobs career orientation
  • Improve the quality of students' learning through the STEM program
  • Strengthen the practice of study tours and research through a wide range of documents at all levels and specialties in the library and online and self-study in schools until 10:00pm for students in need.
  • Students will gain sufficient capacity, general knowledge of English, Korean, computer skills and virtues.
  • Educate to be good children, good students, good friends and good citizens in accordance with the pillars of education is to have knowledge, skills, good morals and know how to live together in harmony.


  •  Study a day-full
   • 5 days in a week from Monday to Friday
   • From            : 7:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. and 1:00p.m. to 5:00p.m.
   • Lunch Breaks: 11:00a.m. -1:00p.m.