During this era of technological revolution, information, communication and technology have contributed to significant changes in our world. Meaningful participation in today’s modern world requires fluency in the uses of many types of technology. Given this context, the knowledge and skills in using or creating ICT are essential for all students to be equipped with the knowledge of digital safety, cyber security, malware, computer literacy, reliable content and digital tools to communicate, collaborate, research and present ideas and projects. 

As IT literacy is an integral part of quality international education, our ICT learning is embedded within all of our curriculums, with the ongoing use of technology, software and other devices in all of our subjects. Students at Woo Jeong Cambodia School are constantly challenged on how they use ICT to further their knowledge, develop new skills and form a stronger understanding of themselves and the world around them. Woo Jeong Cambodia School is a Bring Your Own Device School (BYOD) so all of our students bring their own devices to school to work on each day as part of their daily learning practices. Finally, students have the opportunity to use the IT skills during extracurricular activities and they are taught about responsible technology practices through our Digital Citizenship program, delivered by our School Counselor from Korea.